Sunday, January 31, 2010

Call It Intuition

Call it what you may,
But some things just seem to fall into place at the right time,
No one is saying that they know,
But maybe there was a hint at what was to be,
Just as the world turns sometimes the situation is known,
Intuition is what it's called,
Some people may not believe in such things,
But to believe in something so bold seems godly,
Unknown to the world are the facts,
Just as pieces of the puzzles are placed in their boxes,
And ladders are set up to get to rooftops,
Sometimes some people just know what it is,
Events and things in time,
Intuition is a beautiful thing and it continues bring forth great things

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Waiting for Love

What if there was a love that seemed unbreakable,
To have lasted the years and the tendons still stay strong,
Not even the feeling of swaying or thinking otherwise,
To find such a thing and have to wait on it,
Might it incur patience,
Or might it consume the mind and the heart,
To the point to where it seems that you can wait no more,
Is it just by chance that you continuously feel this way,
With bold actions and those subtle words that seem to hold true,
For some love is blind at first until realized,
The bold that seems to tie itself into the lives of those caught up,
To the love that seems to be unbreakable,
Shall it last and grow forevermore

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fame and Greatness

Just falling in a seeming open hole,
To what this hole may be,
A path to be such a thing much like a trail,
Things don't damper but ascend to new heights,
Finding all that is my own and capturing the light the hides,
Hides among the leaves of those tree which wilt,
Just as the seasons transition like the day and night,
Just falling to the point in which was meant,
For all that seemed to fall together,
To write the words that need not be written,
Is the dream only achieved through fame and greatness

Thursday, January 28, 2010


What if you could relive that moment,
The one you thought mattered more then anything,
A moment that would've changed your life,
Just to turn back that clock or rather stop it,
And keep trying to attain a goal that was once a fail in your life,
Something that you felt should have been done but in your heart was left blank,
To dig deep in the reaches of what is your heart,
Something calls out to be taken back or maybe that forgotten heartache,
What if you could turn back your clock and try to fix the problem,
A problem that maybe has seemed to bother you for eternity,
Or will you just relive it as always intended


Into space,
Into time,
Slowing things are experience and yet forgotten,
All can seem grim and turn around in a instant it seems,
Just as if all the things that have been coming to terms have left your mind,
All the bad and illusive people seem to fade as those who stood so bold,
Seem to stick out in your mind like the star that was passed up because it itself was not bright enough,
To what may make this all seem so clean and clear,
Never realizing the flow of life is too much to be dealt with,
Live life much like a star,
Until you burn out or explode

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


What is to adore,
To love and cherish,
To not hold anything and to forgive,
To what this person may mean,
All the things in the world couldn't change the stars

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pieces of the Puzzle

All of the things that don't add at up,
And all the things that fall into place for a reason,
All the actions that take place and all the cute words exchanged,
With all the parts of affection and of loving torment,
All the things in the world seem to come together in one form,
Just like the missing pieces of a puzzle that was never put into the box,
Just as the box is not pieced together,
The pieces just need to be found

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Drunk Taste

To drink the elixir of the world,
Is to take in the pain and all the joy,
Drunk and washed out,
Will this be the result

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cherishing the Memory

Just having the memory of the life that once was,
And the memory of that which has become a fleeting dream,
With purpose and meaning it seems to be much more than a dream,
Maybe a moment to cherish forever and or something that should be forgotten,
Much like love and despair these moments seems to be able to shape lives,
Make and break the tide while pushing the waves closer,
Closer the heart and which all things adorable are remembered and held,
Life is full of remarkable things,
Finding these waiting memories is something that is a journey,
For not only you but everyone

Friday, January 22, 2010

Which Be

Things don't always seem as they are,
To what they may become is all to be determined,
All things lead to something,
Something can be anything,
Determination can provide the answer to all that is sought out,
Things that are might not always be

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Clouds Allusion

Clouds are much like dreams,
They are light and dark,
Black and white,
And at one point or another they were just a mystery to us,
Such is the mystery of what we are at times,
Are we just simply like a cloud,
Unknown and shrouded in mystery

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lack In Effort

Without the need or drive to put the daily work,
Unsurpassed because of the lack of effort,
The intensity gone from that which had such luster,
Like rain washing away the hill side during a heavy storm,
Much of this lackluster feel,
As the cream of society is poured into the new daily brew,
And is taken by those on their daily trip on the way out the front door,
Much to life seems to be a routine,
And such the drive that leads us to fall

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Because of the Storm

To what is a storm,
Is the release of all world's stress or is it something else,
Is it just an simple expelling over water,
To really define a storm,
It doesn't always have to be weather,
Much a silence before the war or an epic battle,
A storm is silent as well and the the thunder strikes,
And everyone seems to panic and rush to turn things off,
The storm seems to bring people together and show them what you don't electricity for,
Among all things with the storm,
Emotion is what the storm expels both good and bad

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Rain

As rain pours out of the sky and the lights in the sky seem to dim,
Sleep seems ever more present as the day doesn't even seem to come,
Many things seem prevalent in the hours that pass as the rain falls,
The time on the clock seems to stand still,
Even though time continues to trickle out of proportion,
The rain seems to bring delight,
Just a fleeting moment of dancing in the rain

Sunday, January 17, 2010

World that Provides

Welcome to the world which you may live,
In here you will find all that you may need or simply nothing at all,
Things aren't what they seem in this world that provides you,
Maybe it is seemingly a disillusion of all the memories that have been provided,
Caution though,
Memories may pertain some sort of happiness or even sadness,
Links of thoughts which may eventually be replaced by feelings of remorse,
Even anger can consume the most feeble memories,
Thoughts of doubt seem to consume the world which has provided,
And shadows seem to become grim and distraught,
Vocal communication seems to dither from the normal,
And some ensues the once caring provider,
To which all this seems just a fleeting memory in a far off world

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Seeing Beauty

Rainbows seem to flutter in the sky,
And butterflies seem to clutter the air as memories and dreams seem to pass
To compromise the situation at hand,
Finding the solution without becoming the issue,
Charismatic to the idea and contrary to the notion,
With or without the shadow of a doubt,
Beauty is everywhere in the world

Friday, January 15, 2010

Confusion Among the Storm

Like the quiet before the strom,
The light always seem emerge at the darkest point of the night's end,
To this a question may linger,
To what may be the quiet or the end of the storm and night,
With no such answer the question remains,
The storm may rage on but the aftermath,
May have brilliance of it's own,
As the sun rises in the east just as it always has,
Maybe there is peace is the ignorant bliss

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Journey's End

Through the life of one the heart of another grows,
In the waves of life,
Which are much like the waves that wash the shore of the beach,
A greater effect and meaning is created to one's heart,
And those who feel that effect have great potential,
To love,
To live,
To care for those who befriend them and who also can not care for themselves,
Life is such a cruel game at times,
And things do not always pan out,
But those who can endure even the harshest lessons grow,
And become a truly great caregiver,
Among all things a great heart to show and prove that,
All things may end,
But its the journey to the end that can test us all

Time Blur

Over nights and days that seem to blur,
Time seems to leek out the corners,
And like all things that seem to dwindle so does insomnia,
Though sleep seems to trickle and wash away,
Just as things that seemed so important seem to change,
The priority seems to rearrange as things in life happen,
Love is never lost or forgotten,
Only sometimes needs to be reborn or refocused

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Verbal Tide

For what to say,
When the words seem to escape,
Fade in the breath in which we all breath,
And the words are lost and never spoken,
Because of fear or nerves,
What is the worth of the lost words,
And all that it may bring as the air is populated by them,
Words in which may of needed to be spoken,
Yet escaped like a fleeting memory,
Just to come and go just like the tide

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hold to Shock

To see all that has be done,
All that can be done,
Will be done,
Has or hasn't come to the point,
The point of which finds all in awe,
To shock and to hold to the tee,
With words held so true and dear,
To all with love and dearest emotion,
Makes my world turn

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lost and Found

To lose the lost,
Is it really losing at all,
To find all that was found,
Is it all truly finding or it is simply just an idea,
An idea to which all things may truly lie,
Maybe to wait upon a thought or the chance to catch a surprise,
To shock and awe and mesmerize the eyes,
All that see with sight behold a word too bold,
So utter,
Making all those shutter and quiver with the intensity,
That seemed to cause the lose before the eyes,
That saw the lose before all was gone,
Which truly attained the meaning of all that is,
Or was,
Among all the memories lost and gained,
What have really been lost and found

Saturday, January 9, 2010

To the Evening Sky

Dithered not by that of which has fallowed me,
To walk tall and have no remorse towards life,
Mysteries still waiting to be presented,
Lost in the adventure,
Indifferent on the path choice which is laid before,
Interested in the fact of that which is the evening sky,
One which brings in the day as it comes to an end,
With all the colors in which it presents,
Shows the world the hues of the day,
Emotions reflected in the sky,
As the sunset creases the night sky,
The moon makes the decisions and the path I seek ever more clear

Friday, January 8, 2010

Unlike Fairytales

With all that is near and dear,
Held close to ones chest and never wished to let go,
If it escapes your grasp,
Would you fight for it,
Or would you stand idle and let it float away like a balloon,
Drifting forever like a dream that was never fulfilled,
Much like the whispers on the wind,
That is what this balloon would become,
It may pop and burst and you will have no chance again,
But at the end of life when you are in a different place then when you started,
At least you have the courage and the ability to hopefully say,
I chased a dream till it came true

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Among The Birds

Among all that is left in the world of today,
The birds still sing in the morning as if everything will be okay,
With all the worry and fear in the world you would think otherwise,
Otherwise to the fact that it seems to be a worldly decline,
In every aspect of life,
It dwindles,
But in order to become greater one must suffer,
May it be little or may it be small,
Rise up and stand tall and fight as you might,
For nothing is worth giving up on,
At long last when times seem dark thats when the light will shine the brightest,
And birds will still sing in the morning and chimes will ring with the wind,
As if all good things shall come with time

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Such are like Trees

For what should become of this mighty tree,
Years have dwindled down it's life and yet made it strong,
Such is the mighty oak,
Time takes toll yet also yield it's own rewards,
As many things change as they always do,
Things progress while others stand still,
Such is this mighty tree,
Seemingly forever to stand against tree and still continue to change,
As each must stay their own,
To endure,
Is to fall and to rise back up again

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Merely Falling

Neverland never seemed so appealing,
In the wake of all that was remembered,
The memories past and the lives that have come and gone,
What does all the things in life truly build up to,
Is it all meant to be forgotten or merely just a push off point to start something new,
To pursue those dreams which you may need to fall in order to rise up,
Mesmerized by all that this world has to offer,
Where do the stars lead,
Maybe it is only a path some choose to follow,
With no end in sight,
The options in which a person has to change their stars,
To rearrange the cosmos themselves

Monday, January 4, 2010

Wrinkle Among The Clouds

Sitting in the road with has no traffic or flow of any sort,
Thoughts wonder and dance like cartoons would in a musical,
The fact that this dance is purely joyful may ring a bell,
Like the ring of the chime as the wind whistles by and all the world seems to listen,
As time moves faster and the progression picks up,
It is not wonder all the things that seemed so clear were,
Like a rainy day,
So beautiful and yet so dreary,
Much like the people who walk in the rain,
Just looking up and not caring whether they get wet,
Enjoying the peace in which is the descending of rain,
Beautiful and joyful or better put,

Sunday, January 3, 2010


From that which had become a norm had changed,
And those around it just seemed to become gray,
For what is worth the compassion of another,
Or what may become of those with dreams attained,
With all the words to summon the courage is to not speak them,
Is to feel the aching the in the pit of one's stomach,
As if taken to the ground by something which should hold no force,
Yet with the blow,
In the moment of panic with the endeavor,
Nothing seems clearer then the goal which has been set before you,
Through try as one might,
Patience is a virtue and thus must be treated in the way that is necessary,
To take action may not always be the way,
Find a path that may be more direct then other,
To wonder what may present when taken,
Is a mystery all until that path is walked,
To each one's own,
That which will not dither is one of the truth be told

Saturday, January 2, 2010

These Tickings

Counting numbers,
Like the ticking of the clock in my head,
An ever bothersome ticking,
One which seems to make the day seem slower,
This singular ticking,
Like an impatient patient waiting for her doctor,
This ticking,
Is only just ticking,
Just waiting for the moment to stop,
And find meaning within the ticking

Friday, January 1, 2010

Night Awaits

Originally Written: December 28, 2007

Sometimes sitting outside makes me,
Brings me to what I was thinking,
The words in my head become clear,
The moon and stars,
Twinkle and shine,
Makes the clouds make clear,
As the thoughts roll on to,
The place which they belong.

That Which Is

To all that is left behind,
And that is anew to those which felt so closed before,
For every new experience,
And every new day,
There comes a time in which to just let go and realize,
Realize the potential in yourself,
And take in all that you can,
Never to give in,
And to fight for what you need,
Maybe that which you thought would never happen will happen,
Surprises will come that will take your breath,
But all in good time as you should not rush,
Patience is a bold move to take,
But for the journey worth while,
And still I am here,
That which is,
And that which might,
All is worth taking a chance when you know your heart is in it